Busy-ness of mind…

30 10 2008

Do you know what I have noticed recently?  My mind is always busy!

Now don’t laugh at this because I really do have a point!

We know that to really get what we want in life we must focus on the attainment of it and take action.  I’m pretty good at this I must admit.  However, just today I found myself doing so much mind focusing that I started to see just how much I wander off topic!  I found myself wandering into the realms of issues that are not high energy producing and I had to stop myself and say “enough!  That fact has already been established!  Move on to the future!”

Have you ever found yourself in such a situation?  Always wandering back to the past hurt, the past mistake, the past issue, and momentarily depleting your energy for the future?  I am willing to bet we do this more often than not.  It’s like one of those instances when you replay a fight or an argument over and over until finally it shades your judgement to the point that it has overcome your day and then your night because you have made decisions based on that situation!  UG! Why do we do this?  I call it staying way too long in your head!

However, on the flip side if we can mangage to redivert our thinking to what we now wish to accomplish more and more we’ll find that we leave those other thoughts behind quicker thereby staying in the state of higher energy vibration! To have a busy mind is good when it is always moving forward. Becoming aware of just how much we wander is critical to our success.  For example, if you are focusing on a new career path you’d like to see, but still thinking about your lousy ex spouse then the negative either cancels out or negates the positive!  Things we say we want would manifest quicker if we let go of the negative!

My challenge for you in the next 24 hours is to pay attention to just how many times your mind wanders in a day’s time to things of negative energy.  It just might surprise you!

heather b


28 10 2008

Committment….  There is a great quote that in part reads:

“Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back…”

I was struck with the profoundness of these words. They hit deep into my heart and thankfully me head!  There is that old saying that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Well, sometimes for me those teachers are words of wisdom.

Life is one of those things that can absolutely be engaging, thrilling, extraordinary, accomplishing, etc.  But if you think about it, Life can only be those things if we have committed to something.  A new career path, a new relationship ( a current relationship!), a new idea, a committment to success, etc.  If there is no committment there is only mediocre, stagnancy, sameness.  The quote continues with:

“the moment one definitely committs oneself, then Providence moves too.  All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.”

What kind of things in your life would truly come to pass if only you would committ?  And not just committ, but definitely committ?  Can you think of things that maybe didn’t happen and once you look back you realize there was a lact of this type of committment?

I don’t know about you, but reading this quote makes me want to make even more committments to test the end result!  Will unforeseen forces move me onto greatness?  Will incidents and meetings appear that I would never have come across if I hadn’t committed?  Will events arise in my favor?

How fun is that to think about!  Jack Canfield says that we all need a “Big Old Hairy Audacious Goal!”  One that makes our toes leave the ground at the thought of achieving it.  One that will propel ourselves into our next state of being. One that will create such a state of change that we could never even dream of going back to the way we used to be!

Do you have one of those goals?  Wouldn’t it be great to form a group that we could hear about those goals and then support you while you achieve it!  Or if you have experienced such a feeling of attainment and committment wouldn’t it be great to share it?  I love to hear about success stories! What fun it is to hear how your goals have been accomplished and just how much “Providence” did step in and make things happen because you did committ!  So if anyone is interested drop me a comment and we can definitely start something! 

Let’s all be committed!

heather b



Extraordinary Living….

24 10 2008

Do you know what is so great about extraordinary living? 

It’s that it is not easy!  What?  Explain!

Okay, so for a moment remember a time in your life when what you did came easily.  Whether it was when you were young and on a team sport where you were clearly more experienced— was it fun? Or maybe it was a time when on the job the projects you were assigned to you had done so many times before that you could do it in your sleep— was it engaging? 

This life is all about changing and growing and experiencing new things!  When life gets complacent or mundane we tend to lose focus on being extraordinary!  And that means taking on new challenges that aren’t easy! Revitalizing our need for new learning, new skills, new accomplishments!

Plato had said that if we are not growing we are decaying!

Are you growing? Or decaying? Are you living extraordinary? Or ordinary?

I just returned from an intense seminar in Tahoe.  I was challenged, engaged, and continually told to stretch further.  Was it uncomfortable?  You bet!  Outside my box? You bet!  But returning home I am now revigorated and re-energized and ready to take on the next stage of my life.

I challenge you to stretch further, reach further, get out of the ordinary, feel the uncomfortable and look for the uneasy things!  LIVE EXTRAORDINARY!

heather browning

Living Life on Mountains…

21 10 2008

Ah, life in Tahoe…..  How can I describe it, but pure Heaven! 

Living in Hawaii is pretty great too, but with a different kind of Heaven.

I’ve been spending time in the Mountains realizing just how small we really are, and yet being inspired of how big we can become if we play our lives full out.

Every now and then I believe we all need a little internal check of just how we are playing our lives.  Too often we end up in Mediocre land just going to work, cooking dinner, carting kids, then going to bed to do the same thing the next day.

It pays to re-visit our goals, revisit our aspirations, revisit our passions and see just where we are.

I  have been in Tahoe for the past week doing just this for myself.  I’ve realized, with the help of some coaching, that I am not playing my life full out, that maybe I am letting a little self-sabatage hold me back from all the great things I wish to conquer.

How about you?  Do you need a little coaching?  A little kick yourself in the pants? A little bit “Come to Jesus meeting” with yourself to get back on track?

We all need it from time to time.  And may I suggest doing it in the presence of towering pine trees, fall foilage, and coyote calls in the night!

till back on the Island…..

heather browning

Change or Mediocre?

15 10 2008

“Rapid changes call for individuals to constantly adapt through personal development, positive motivation,building self confidence and increasing self esteem.”

– Robert White

I believe we are all on a search to live an extraordinary life.  Do you ever find that once the obstacles we face along our journey are over you realize the lessons learned have propelled you one step closer to extraordinary? I talked to a friend of mine last night who is struggling financially and with her relationship within her marriage.  As I listened to her I kept thinking “Oh, I have been there!” “When it rains it pours,” she said and I added “Yes, but the sun always comes out shining.”

I love the quote above by Robert White.  I feel it is fitting to describe life in general.  The key word in the whole quote is “constantly.”  WE ARE constantly being challenged.  And we always have the opportunity to adapt. Through personal development, positive motivation,building self confidence and increasing self esteem we rise above the obstacles and always become better off than before. 

This week I am about to embark on a journey that will take me WAY into the realm of “Can I really do this?” I get excited to look into the future at the person I will become with increased capacities, motivations, esteem, and abilities, but at this moment even my own “doubt” starts to creep in. At times complacency and meidocrity feel better.  And yet, I too am on that journey to live extraordinarily and give extraordinary service to others. With this in mind may I add to Roberts statement:

Life is exciting! Live it up!

I plan to.  How about you?

heather browning

“Living the Law Of Attraction” Book

6 10 2008

For those of you who love the “Chicken Soup” series of books I’ve got a great one for you!  Rich German and Robin Hoch have put together “Living the Law of Attraction.” 

A book of stories of real people who have used the Law Of Attraction in their own lives and how it has dramatically changed them.   Definitely a must read for those who believe, those who want to believe, and I dare say those who “don’t” believe in the universal law of attraction.

Read it and let me know what you think!

You can find the book at http://www.richgerman.com/law-of-attraction.html

heather browning

When Darkness Hits Do You Still Shine?

3 10 2008

Interesting thought for you…..

“People are like stained glass windows.  In the light they shine with multiple colors and beautiful shapes, but when the light dims they are dark unless their internal light shines within.”

I was sitting in the beauty salon the other day having a nice chat with my hairdresser.  Then out of no where we start to hear this other customer complain about the haircut she had just received. Not only did she not like her cut, but proceeded to yell at the woman claiming she had “ruined her hair” and how badly she now looked.  This proceeded louder and louder until I finally couldn’t contain myself and I said to her “look, you must find the solution.  Have someone else finish the cut.” 

Well this didn’t sit well at first because she didn’t want someone she didn’t know cutting her hair. Oddly enough the woman who did cut her hair was her cousin!  FAMILY! She finally conceded and had another try and fix it.  All of a sudden this eratic person was smiling and laughing and really conversing with this new stylist.  Her hair did look better and she got what she wanted.  But at what price? Certainly everyone in that place did not look at her as the “nice person” she really was because of her display of uncontrolled emotions.  She apologized to everyone, which everyone said in turn “that’s okay”, but really was it okay?  I beg to differ!  When she came up to me afterward to apologize my only response was “you had better apologize and no one should treat family or anyone that way.”  She just smiled at me and left the salon as if nothing had happened.

So I started to wonder….most of us are great people. Happy, smiley, joyful, kind when life is going good.  But we were never promised a bowl of cherries each and everyday of our lives.  When those days or times hit and the “light” quits shining what do we become?  Are we different? 

I had to stop and think about myself.  It is true that when I am stressed I get a little more testy.  I recognize this and try to control it. It was such an eye opening experience to see this “nice” lady turn into someone I would never want to deal with.  People who become totally different at the slightest complications are those who wouldn’t make good business partners.  I don’t believe I’d even like to be in any type of relationship with them.

When times go dark in your life what are you like?  I find it difficult to think that a life full of apologizing for the way we act would be a life that is satisfying.  If we are always apologizing how are we growing? As we each strive for more personal development it is such a great opportunity to let our inner light shine when things start to darken on the outside.  Life is so much better when we are able to seek solutions while still maintaining our tongues and integrity.

My hope for all is to let our lights within shine at all times and in all things!



Opportunities seen….

1 10 2008

As noted by some of my readers I have been missing a few days of posting.  For this I apologize and thank you for noticing.  I have been spending time with my parents visiting from the mainland.  Living in Hawaii I get quite a few visitors every year.

During this time my work takes a back seat and I find myself playing tour guide. 

I was thinking this morning about missing so much work hours and how I could “justify” this.  The cool thing is I DON’T HAVE TO!  As an entrapraneur you truly get the freedom to take some time off.

However, as a entrapraneur I am learning great things and seeing a great opportunity to learn from a highly skilled business man.  MY FATHER.  For the past week I have spent countless hours talking to him about his business career, his negotiation skills, his programs he implemented.  And for the first time in my life I realized what a brillant man he is in business.  For a great coach I really never had to look any further than my own family tree.

I have been engaging in such great conversations that my “slack” off week really hasn’t been “slacking.”

Great lesson to be able to see opportunities in everything around.  I am grateful for this lesson!  I constantly am amazed at all I am surrounded by. 

Life is amazing!